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The SAP Team is here for YOU!

What is SAP?

SAP is the Student Assistance Program. The SAP Team is a group of teachers and counselors who help students deal with the stresses and challenges that are affecting their life and schoolwork.

There are several ways the SAP Team offers support:
* A safe adult to talk to
* Being part of a support group
* Help finding outside services

How does it work?

Any student can refer themselves, a friend or a classmate to SAP. Teachers and other school staff who are concerned about students can also make referrals.

Referrals can be made by going directly to someone on the SAP Team, speaking to someone in Guidance, or by placing a referral form in the SAP Box in the Library.

If you have further questions about the Student Assistance Program, someone on the SAP Team can help explain the process to you.

Are you or a friend...

  • Worrying about your grades?
  • No longer feeling like hanging out with friends or family?
  • Not enjoying your favorite activities like you used to?
  • Not getting along with others?
  • Feeling bullied or harassed?
  • Feeling like you can't seem to get it together?
  • Experimenting with or using alcohol or other drugs?
  • Adjusting to a new school?
  • Have a family member in the military?
  • Dealing with eating/food issues?
  • Having thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else?
  • Feeling emotionally overwhelmed?
  • Always worrying?
  • Thinking about suicide?
  • Dealing with a relationship breakup?
  • Being hurt physically or emotionally by someone?
  • Dealing with major changes in your family?
  • Dealing with the illness or death of someone close to you?

...the SAP Team can help!

What happens if I am referred to the SAP Team?

Remember, you were referred because someone in your life cares about you and wants you to be successful - both in school and in your life.

First, the SAP Team will check in with your teachers to see how you are doing in your classes and other activities. A SAP Team member will be assigned to stay in touch with you and will also contact your parents to provide them with information about the program.

Then, you and the SAP Team will work together to figure out ways to help you deal with the problems you are facing.

SAP Team Members

Mrs. Bonagura Room 230
Mrs. Campbell Room 250
Mr. Hamill Room 282
Mr. Krushnowski Room 106
Mrs. McGinnis Guidance
Mrs. Nalesnik Room 250
Mrs. Peet Room 283
Mrs. Pierce Room 119
Dr. Schkolenko Room 251
Mr. Spoor Room 261
Mrs. Peppiatt Asst. Principal
Guidance Office
570-226-4557 EXT. 3041